Monday, December 13, 2010

Book Club Inspiration

Last night our book club got together to hash out The Windup Girl. In the midst of discussion, inspiration struck, we should blog about our book club, maybe someone other than our parents and friends will read it and we can 1. save ourselves from reading books such as The Windup Girl and 2. Maybe help another book club find inspiration in something we've done. We got right down to business, setting it up, when I realized that that will make two blogs for me...and I'm not even following through with posting on one! So I decided to get a jump on the rest of the world, who will begin to make resolutions in a couple weeks, and set myself a goal of actually posting regularly here. I'll try to make a few other, more pointless resolutions, because let's be honest, most resolutions don't get a lot of follow through. So maybe if I make a few, I'll follow through on this one. (Sometimes my logic astounds even me.)

Step one on more regular posting: I'm off to Photobucket to set up an account so I can dress up my blogs with some pictures. (I've heard this is the best way, yes???) Wish me well with that, I'm not the most computer literate.

1 comment:

  1. You are a woman full of surprises! I was clicking through the other girls' profiles on our Book Club blog - hoping someone else had been vain enough to post a pic on their's (aside from me ;) and saw that you listed ownership of ANOTHER blog . . . funny and honest - I like it. I was going to sign up to be a follower - but I didn't know if I could handle the pressure so thought I'd just start off with a comment :)
